'Dark, bitter-rinded humour...' Love it, WTRI!!!!!

Look forward to the postcards.

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Thank-you! (Your piece on E O’B is wonderful, the kind that makes one want to go back and reread…)

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Much appreciated, thank you. I suddenly felt that I must write something about her!

Is that really true that one is meant to like one's own posts....????!!!!

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So glad I found you both, guys, but my must-buy book list is becoming longer and longer...

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That's so nice to hear (and @laura thompson is a constant pleasure for me too,). Think of the must-buy list as a win-win - at least, you’ll never be at a loss when it comes to book shopping…

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Again thanks - what a lovely thing to say and as you know entirely reciprocated. Thanks too @portia!

I've worked out that if I live to 400 I MIGHT get through all the books I want to read....

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I’m in denial…

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So do I!

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Thank-you! And for the lovely restack, always appreciated.

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And thanks for the lovely restack (*still* getting caught out by the order in which Substack presents this info…. Btw, you probably know this already, but I’ve just discovered that one’s meant to like one’s own posts)…

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"There's a kind of sulphurous energy, a dark, bitter-rinded humour impelling the novel to it's triumphantly sardonic and cynical conclusion (all too convincing)." I love the panache with which you describe this book, which I haven't read in decades and now want to go back to. Thank you!

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How lovely - thank-you!

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As I read this I kept thinking of Pierce Brosnan in The Tailor of Panama (which apparently was inspired by Greene’s our Man in Havana) and I could almost taste the mojito and feel the sticky heat. This might be my favourite entry of yours yet - what a perfect summer read and way to head towards a nice break. Enjoy it!

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What a lovely perceptive comment - thank-you! (And for the restack, always appreciated.)

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Apparently - at least, I keep seeing it everywhere, on pretty hefty Substacks. Think the idea is to get the algorithmic ball rolling with a bit of shameless self-promotion... Meant to do it with this post but not sure what the etiquette is re not being the first "like"...

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